Katie Thrift

Katie Thrift takes up new post at Towcester Business Park

7th May 2014

Thriving business location, CASWELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK welcomes Katie Thrift to the position of Sales and Facilities Coordinator.

Katie has been part of the customer service delivery team at Caswell for 4 years and has already built up excellent relationships with many of the 25 businesses based there. She is responsible for dealing with any enquiries for office space as well as working with companies already based there to create and maintain a location that can support their business strategy.

Katie has much invaluable experience having been a small business owner and working within sales and customer service teams in the hotel and leisure industries.

Katie is local to Caswell and already has many business connections in the area.

Businesses looking to find out about more or arrange a visit to Caswell Science & Technology Park should contact Katie on: 01327 355410 / katie.thrift@fasset.co.uk

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