IIoT Seminar Flyer

'An Introduction to the Industrial Internet of Things'
Seminar at Caswell Park, 8th June 2016

16th March 2016

Industrial Internet of Things, one of our tenants here at Caswell Park, are holding a seminar at Caswell Park on 8th June 2016.

For more information, download the flyer here

To book, visit www.iiot.co.uk or phone +44 (0)1327 317652

About IIoT…

It is predicted that by 2020, 2.5 billion people will be connected by social networks and 75 billion devices will be connected to the internet. With emerging technologies and the cost effectiveness of this ever changing market, more and more objects, products and services are now able to be connected.

IoT (The Internet of Things) is seen as the fourth industrial revolution. With leading organisations predicting a new digital economy creating global business in excess of $65 trillion dollars by 2020.

Emerging companies that are using this digital economy and exploiting the IoT concept are disrupting the market in many sectors. At Web Control we have always tried to bring our customers the latest technology and enhancements and with this in mind we are launching our new company IIoT Ltd. We have partnered with leading companies in the field of IoT as well as leading organisations to bring a range of services that are specifically aimed at the manufacturing sector.”

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